Sunday, September 2, 2012

Why I shouldn't plan the camping trip......

Jorgen and I have been wanting to go camping for the last 4 years and this weekend we finally did it.  Jorgen had a long weekend off of school and we decided now was a great time to go.  I took it upon me to plan the whole trip because Jorgen was studying for his final and I didn't want to bother him with it.  That was the first major mistake! I mean I have been camping a couple of times how difficult could it be to plan a camping trip?

This is one of those times where I wished I would have been able to receive a letter from my future  self warning me about things that I should and shouldn't do.....Here are a few things that would have been on that letter about this weekend.

1.  When the hubby says that we should go up to Flagstaff area because it won't be as hot....listen to him.  Or else you will be dying of heat in the tent and you will be drenched in sweat ALL night long..... (Flagstaff's low on Friday night 59 degrees vs Peoria's low on Friday night 85 degrees and since  you are in a tent you need to add on about 20 degrees)

2.  When you are packing up everything double and triple check to make sure you have some of the essentials like....hmm....matches....because without them you won't be able to start a fire and then you will have to gag down cold hot dogs and forego the smores which you have been looking forward to eating all week long!!!!

3.  Another essential thing that you probably want to make sure you have BEFORE you go camping is a working flashlight.  Because 1 working flashlight gives off a lot more light at night than 5 flashlights that have dead batteries.

4.  Don't go to a lake area on a major Holiday like Labor Day Weekend.  The people who will surround you will be partying with loud annoying music and will be quoting the Goonies all night! I never knew how annoying the phrase, "Hey You Guys!" until I heard it over and over again while I was trying to sleep!

5.  Speaking of sleep.....Make sure you add sleeping pills to the next list or else you will be up all night with at least one of the girls.

6.  Don't go camping in the Phoenix area EVER! It doesn't compare to Utah at all! Instead of nice trees and mountains and dirt and rivers you will be on a cement slab that radiates heat and on a hill of rocks with two "trees" around your tent.  FYI - rocks with babies who have just learned how to walk makes for a very interesting time.

7.  Oh and the last thing is next time you go camping...if there is a next time...then you should make it a habit of asking the local rangers if you should be worried about any strange wildlife that maybe will make noises all night long.....We had these awesome guys talking all night long...

That's right....those would be wild donkeys.  Who knew Arizona had such a thing....We sure didn't.

 Despite all these mishaps we actually kind of had a good time.  One of the best parts of the trip for me was getting this awesome picture of Keira!

I guess that is what happens when one wakes up at 4:30am! You get to watch the sunrise with your little girl! :)

Next time I will make sure and let Jorgen pick the place and pack!

At least we made our first trip a memorable one! It is honestly one trip that we will never forget! :)


  1. That sounds like the best camping trip ever and one you will always remember over the ones where everything is perfect. I love, love, love the pix of Keira and the sunrise. Looks like she's beginning to pose for pictures! Miss you guys so much!

  2. It looks like the girls enjoyed it! Camping with babies is so hard. I'm impressed you planned it. Good job girl! I miss you! Talk to you soon!
